The Great Sandini

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas everyone! It is officially 9:00 am and I'm awake! I heard a bunch of little feet running for their presents! This is such a great day for children and families! Have a good day!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ending My Day At The Ziters!

Tonight, I am hanging out at the Ziter's. They are just so great! Tonight, I went to our church's candle light service and that was peaceful and nice to see everyone in such good moods and chill-axing with their families! After our service many people wished each other Merry Christmas. Walking out to my car a friend told me that he backed into my car in the parking lot. :) However, for me that is just no big deal because they are awesome friends and they only hit my front bumper. And that is not a big deal at all considering my front bumper was already damaged. I thought it was pretty amusing though because today has been pretty full of events for me anyway. So, I have decided to stop by the Ziter's house and have a movie night. There is nothing wrong with being a couch potato when you're on vacation!!!!

Christmas Eve at Mom's!!!

Christmas at Mom's this morning was great! As usual I was late and when I walked in Mom, Steve, Brian, Shawna (My older sister) and Danielle (My younger sister) were already sitting down. They said that they had just started and Mom had just put some bacon on my plate. Oh, yes, I said Bacon! Cause we had Breakfast at 10:00 am at Mom's. The food was AMAZING!!! It was extremely nice to all be together to share stories. We ate eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and gravy, toast, strawberries, ham, homemade Amish bread, and we drank Eggnog! Mom made a huge pile of Christmas cookies and toward the end of breakfast I tasted some. Ya know, just to make sure that they were good enough for everyone to eat.
Then, we all took the cookies and our eggnog and went into the living room to exchange PRESENTS!!! I love presents, can you tell? This year I got a Christmas bonus, two gift cards to Hannaford, Cards with money, a new kitchen serving utensils (that come with a very heavy utensil holder), a new kitchen knife set, three new cutting boards, two Bath and Body hand soaps and many Christmas cards! Everyone who was at Mom's got presents and it was just a morning. It was pretty quick though because Shawna and her new husband Brian had to be on their way to visit with Brian's family. But again if you couldn't tell already I thought Christmas at Mom's was Great! I hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Somebody with a bad attitude!

Amazingly, the person with a bad attitude problem wasn't me today! Really, I'm a nice person but today on Christmas Eve, I went grocery shopping with my sister and my gift card (Thanks so much Ziter family!) and it was VERY crowded. People in the grocery store had to be very careful NOT and I repeat NOT to run into each other. However, since i am going to work extra hard at eating healthy I walked over to the produce section. But, again a few customers and I waited our turns to walk past one another. Except, when I was walking through somebody with a bad attitude and possibly under the influence of something started to walk on the other side of me. Or so this is what I thought anyway, the bad attitude began to walk beside me and suddenly took their cart and bashed it into mine. Now, what's up with that? It's Christmas Eve I would think that most people would have good spirits, especially around the holidays. Anyway, since this man did this very intentionally, I was startled and let go of my cart which tilted to the side. Many people watched and tried to make sense out of why this man with a bad attitude would deliberately be so mean. My feeling is WHATEVER, that was wrong but it was interesting watching as he continued up the isle swerving his cart. Hopefully, he will get over that bad attitude that squeezed its way into his day and have a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, deer snow !'s one of those things that i'm not quite sure if I love it or hate it. Playing in snow is absolutely amazing and so is sledding! However, when snow interfers with my plans or sudden urges to find something to do...then I have a problem. :) So, i have officially decided to pick up my sled and find myself a hill soon for a good time. But for now i think that i will just wait until i can see where the road is and then head for the hills. Also, i will be crossing my fingers in hopes that i maybe blessed with a SNOW DAY tomarrow. That would totally be okay with me!
Tonight, I'm staying at Mom's and just hanging out. First, we watched movies and then we made some very yummy chilli. After dinner we drove to my sisters house and back in this crazy weather, which left Mom's window all icy. Most of you will never guess what we saw as we pulled into the driveway but if any of the Ziters or the Mitchells are reading this I'm sure you can guess what animal was in Mom's front yard? For everyone else I'll just tell you. As we were pulling onto Mom's street I noticed that there were three objects over by the apple tree. I thought they might be a certain type of animal which ALWAYS runs, jumps, flies or some how always appears in front of my "stylish" Dodge Neon and I was right. Quietly, Mom and I walked to the side of the house where the apple tree is and standing there were three DEER! So, I just had to continue to look at them until they were spooked and then I decided that this would definetly be a good opportunity to write a blog, Ya know since me and deer seem to be so close!