The Great Sandini

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, deer snow !'s one of those things that i'm not quite sure if I love it or hate it. Playing in snow is absolutely amazing and so is sledding! However, when snow interfers with my plans or sudden urges to find something to do...then I have a problem. :) So, i have officially decided to pick up my sled and find myself a hill soon for a good time. But for now i think that i will just wait until i can see where the road is and then head for the hills. Also, i will be crossing my fingers in hopes that i maybe blessed with a SNOW DAY tomarrow. That would totally be okay with me!
Tonight, I'm staying at Mom's and just hanging out. First, we watched movies and then we made some very yummy chilli. After dinner we drove to my sisters house and back in this crazy weather, which left Mom's window all icy. Most of you will never guess what we saw as we pulled into the driveway but if any of the Ziters or the Mitchells are reading this I'm sure you can guess what animal was in Mom's front yard? For everyone else I'll just tell you. As we were pulling onto Mom's street I noticed that there were three objects over by the apple tree. I thought they might be a certain type of animal which ALWAYS runs, jumps, flies or some how always appears in front of my "stylish" Dodge Neon and I was right. Quietly, Mom and I walked to the side of the house where the apple tree is and standing there were three DEER! So, I just had to continue to look at them until they were spooked and then I decided that this would definetly be a good opportunity to write a blog, Ya know since me and deer seem to be so close!


Blogger Michelle said...

ROFL!!! That figures that there were deer in your immediate vicinity! LOL! Maybe you were a deer in a former life??? JK! Hey, your new blog looks great! Welcome to the blogosphere.... it is so much fun! I'll be reading!

12/16/07, 6:11 PM  

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