The Great Sandini

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dating Again !

Tonight, I spent the entire night on a date with God. Spending sometime alone with him at home while doing homework I enjoyed listening to songs sung especially for him. Then, tonight we spent some alone time together in the car singing. Thank goodness it was just the two of us. We sang so much that, I became distracted and missed the exit. problem...that just gave me an excuse to stay in the car with him. I didn't want to stop hearing from him through the music. I thought that when I arrived at church I would have to look around again to try and find God.
Walking into service late God stayed with me through the service. God provided me with reassurance, not to worry it's just me and him. Coincidentally, the Pastor preached a message called Excuse Me. It was about making it to the aisle, making it to the alter and making it to him. (God) Whatever, I do I know I want to make it to God. Lately, I've been questioning what it is I believe, and why do I do some things that I do. Acting upon the unknown, I decided to push the rewind button in my walk with God. Going back to the begining and really seeking God. I would like to do as some songs say, which include:
  • I don't want to go through the motions
  • I want to be free to be me
  • I want Jesus to take the wheel
  • I want Jesus to be my everything
  • I would like him to teach me how to pray and live a life of faith so I can go anywhere with him.
And my hope is that one day I can stand firm with strong faith and trust in him. And from what ever time that might be, I would like to sing and teach with the power of God. What a night!