Is God really REAL??? Many people trust in God however how are we to really know? I want to believe that he is real and at times i really do. But when my faith in God is not so strong how can I be sure? Pressing on through prayer is really difficult especially when you're feeling like during prayer all that you are doing is processing a situation by yourself. Believe it or not, I have not lost all of my trust in God but Right now I am full of WHY QUESTIONS that have no answers yet. How am I supposed to answer some of these why questions when I have too much attitude and frustration with God. So many questions and subjects are running through my brain at amazing speeds and all with the same importance so where do I begin? Taking a long drive tonight has made me think about where i stand with God. Oh man am I small!!!! I'm pretty sure that God is real but I'm frustrated with the fact that God seems to appear more real in other people than in me. With understanding that I must want the relationship with God and be willing to build a relationship with God I have found some reality. My reality is that right now my relationship with God is not Strong. Also, I know that is up to me to reach out to God in order to change this relationship. This is going to be a lot of work to begin to try and find some answers for my own personal knowledge and trust. God help me to want you! This new post sounds awfully scary but it is truthful. Being honest about where I'm at is the first step. My second step is to ask for outside help! My third step is to press on and search for truth. I may question God and go for a ride in order to process feelings and information but in the end I am continuing to look for a better relationship with God for sharing with others as I learn. |