The Great Sandini

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Returning to the reality that I NEED God!!!

Okay, so after this weekend my final conclusion is that I officially need to do some more praying and reading. Okay, Okay if you really want the truth it is that I need to not only do some more but I need to return to a place to return to the beginning. It has been too long with too many excuses! I need to make a big turn around and spend as much time with God as possible. Oh yeah... to a normal person this sounds crazy however to me and other people who believe in God it is just common sense to walk with God who has the most amazing intentions for you rather than walking away from him. So, as I return to church tomorrow whether others are praising and talking with God or not, I will be. Only someone who doesn't understand the truth would chose to walk away from a God who loves you and with who nothing is impossible with. As a result of spending this week end thinking about God, I have chosen to be as persistant as possible in spending my time learning about God and building a relationship with God. I am so excited to spend more Quality time with him!!!


Blogger Loee said...

Thank you, Sandra, for your words of encouragement. I too am struggling with my relationship with the Lord.


5/3/08, 10:29 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Trust me when I say that we are ALL in the same boat when it comes to battling this wretched flesh! My prayer life could be SOOOOOO much deeper, because the desire in my spirit is strong, but my flesh, unfortunately, is stronger right now. Can you say FASTING? This flesh must be disciplined and brought into submission.... easier said than done... but with God, nothing shall be impossible! Stick with it, girl! You'll make it! If you don't, YOU'RE GROUNDED! LOL!

5/4/08, 3:11 PM  
Blogger Sandra Jones said...

Struggling with God Stinks and prayer and fasting don't sound like much fun either cause you never know the outcome, however if you hear from God it makes it all worth it! That I DO know!

5/9/08, 12:39 AM  

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